Monday 31 March 2014

About my designs

My Design for my Boat shed came from the idea of having a lot of homes. The multiple doors on the face of the shed shows the houses and places i have come from. When you open each door the idea is that it projects light into a certain spot showing each individual memory or moment that is special to me. The Light shade is from the machinery background that i have showing the cogs and things that are unique to my family and individual-ness. The elevation of the house not only lets the doors work but it lets in light and makes it not so clostiphobic which i do not like.


Finals Spatial 2014 _ handdrawn in

Attempt at Rendering Images

I attempted trying to render my sketch up files in Fraps, The Outcome would have been really good but there was software problems and I wasnt able to complete the process.

different perspectives

These perspectives Help show the different elements of each part of the boatshed. The extention of the hieght inside the building is showen through some of these images aswell as the glass shaped house at the end keeping the original shape to an extent..