Thursday 27 March 2014

"Draft Elevation, Plan, Perspective & Section"

Draft perspective:
I still need to hand draw in objects and certain elements but I over all like the concept of my idea. The shadows cast onto walls, spaces and objects represents the doors being opened into a part of my life at some time. Certain doors opened Fishtanks and mirrors where most cast shadows onto experiences or times that were memorable to me. 

Draft Elevation: 
I still have a lot of work to do on this elevation to get it up to how i want it to look like. I need to make the doors equal sizes and enhance some of the lighting. I like the movement of the image because it helps show the type of person i am being in which very busy and always doing something. 
Draft Section: 
This draft shows the inside of the boat shed and the extended shape to let light in and have more room because i do not like claustrophobic spaces. 

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